Speakers 講者介紹

Yonglian Zhang | 張永蓮
Academician Yonglian Zhang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, molecular endocrinologist, researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and doctoral supervisor. She is mainly engaged in research on the regulation mechanism of eukaryotic gene transcription by androgens and the regulation of gene expression programs during testicular spermatogenesis and epididymis on sperm maturation.

Fazheng Ren | 任發政
Academician Fazheng Ren, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, an expert in dairy science and engineering, professor at the School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering at China Agricultural University, doctoral supervisor, director of the Beijing Key Laboratory of Functional Dairy co-constructed by the Ministry of Education, and director of the Zhongyuan Food Laboratory of Henan Province. He has been engaged in dairy science and engineering research for a long time.
任發政院士, 中國工程院院士、乳品科學與工程專家、中國農業大學食品科學與營養工程學院教授、博士生導師、功能乳品教育部北京市共建重點實驗室主任、河南省中原食品實驗室主任 。長期從事乳品科學與工程研究。

Dahong Wang | 王大宏
Professor Dahong Wang, Secretary General of the Marketing Committee of China Healthcare Association, Founder of the Nutritional Health Market Think Tank – Shuzheng Kangxun.
王大宏教授,中國保健協會市場工作委員會秘書長、營養健康市場智庫 — 庶正康訊創始人。

Yingjie Pan | 潘迎捷
Professor Yingjie Pan, the first Rector of Shanghai Ocean University, Fellow of the Chinese Food Society, Honorary Vice President of the Chinese Food Society, Honorary President of the Shanghai Food Society, and doctoral supervisor.

Hon Kong | 江瀚博士
Dr. Hon Kong, project initiator of KB-120 technology research, registered international senior dietitian, member of the International Society of Redox Biology and Medicine (ISRBM), and post-doctoral co-advisor at Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Jianxiong Xu | 徐建雄
Professor Jianxiong Xu, Co-initiator of the KB-120 technology research project, Chief Scientist of KB-120 technology product application research, Visiting Scientist of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Cell Biology Laboratory, doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
徐建雄教授, KB-120技術研究計畫共同發起人、KB-120技術產品應用研究首席科學家、美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)細胞生物學實驗室訪問學者、上海交通大學博士生導師。

Huijuan Shi | 施慧娟
Professor Huijuan Shi, KB-120 technology product clinical research chief scientist, researcher of Shanghai Institute of Biomedical Technology (SIBT), visiting scholar, and doctoral supervisor.

Changbin Che | 陳昌斌
Professor Changbin Chen, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. Principal Investigator and professor of Shanghai Institute of Immunity and Infection, Chinese Academy of Sciences, doctoral supervisor. Adjunct Professor of Nanjing Advanced Academy of Life and Health, Pasteurien College of Soochow University, and Huashan Hospital, Fudan University. In 2017, he won the Annual Innovation Award of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Immunity, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
陳昌斌教授,美國內布拉斯加州立大學林肯分校植物病理學博士。中國科學院上海巴斯德研究所研究員、教授、博士生導師。在中科南京生命健康高等研究院、蘇州大學巴斯德學院及復旦大學附屬華山醫院擔任兼職教授。 2017年獲中科院分子病毒與免疫重點實驗室年度創新獎。

Waichi Shum | 岑慧枝
Professor Winnie Waichi Shum, Ph.D. in Pharmacology of School of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Distinguished Research Fellow of Shanghai Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Former lecturer at Harvard Medical School and assistant professor of ShanghaiTech University. She mainly studies the functions of epithelial cells in male reproductive health and disease.

Jianbiao Dai | 陳昌斌
Professor Jianbiao Dai, Ph.D. of Electronic Engineering and Applied Science University of New Orleans, Chief Scientist of KB-120 Wearable Smart Devices R&D, Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, President of Shanghai Informatisation Entrepreneurs Association.

Zhenchi Ma | 馬正馳
Dr. Zhenchi Ma, Ph.D. in microbial engineering at the School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, Co-initiator of KB-120 technology research project, Shanghai Leading Talent, post-doctoral co-instructor at Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Weina Xu | 徐維娜
Professor Weina Xu, Ph.D. in hydrobiology of Nanjing Agricultural University, Associate Professor of Nanjing Agricultural University. She studies animal science and technology. Her main research projects include the National Key Research and Development Program- New Breed of Livestock and Poultry and Modern Pasture Science and Technology Innovation Key Special Project