Opening Ceremony of USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health
10:00 Ceremony Starts | 司儀介紹嘉賓
10:05 Introduction of honourable guests | 司儀介紹嘉賓
10:10 Welcome Speech by the Chancellor of USJ, the Bishop of Macao, Stephen Lee Bun-sang | 聖大校監澳門教區李斌生主教致歡迎辭
10:15 Appointment ceremony by the Rector of USJ, Professor Stephen Morgan | 聖大校長麥侍文教授頒授委任書:
Honorary Dean: Professor Yinjie Pan
Co-Dean: Doctor Jacky Ho、Doctor Kong Hon
Guest Professor: Professor Changbin Chen, Professor Huijuan Shi, Professor Jianxiong Xu, Professor Dai Jianbiao
Guest Associate Professor: Associate Professor Weina, Associate Professor Jing Zhang
Guest Research Fellow:Doctor Zhenchi Ma, Doctor Yan Li Guest
Assistant Research Fellow: Doctor Zhen Luo
10:25 The First Collaborative Research Results by USJ and Kong Hon Biomedicine | 首個校企研發合作成果發佈
10:30 Congratulatory Speech by the Rector of the Catholic University of Portugal, Professor Isabel Gil (online) 葡萄牙天主教大學校長 Isabel Gil 教授 致祝賀辭 (線上)
10:35 Congratulatory Speech by the Representative of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Deputy Director of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr. Teng Sio Hong|澳門特別行政區社會文化司歐陽瑜司長代表 教育及青年發展局局長代表 丁少雄 致祝賀詞
10:40 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 剪綵儀式
10:45 Ceremony Concluded 儀式完滿結束
The First Cellular Health Research Symposium
Morning Session 上午研討會
11:00 – 11:05
Unveiling Ceremony of USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health | 聖大 — 江瀚細胞營養與健康研發院揭幕儀式
11:05 – 12:10
Biotech Nutrition and Biomedical Development | 生物科技營養及生物醫學發展
Moderator 主持人: Emcee 司儀
Keynote Speeches 主講人:
- CAE Academician Professor Fazheng Ren: Nutrition and Health (Keynote) | 任發政院士:營養與健康 (主題)
- Secretary-General Professor Dahong Wang: Nutritional Health and National Health Strategy 王大閎秘書長:營養健康與國家大健康戰略
- Professor Yinjie Pan: Cellular nutrition, the basic protection against premature aging of the body 潘迎捷教授: 細胞營養,是抵抗機體早衰的基本保障
**15mins for each speech, followed by a 30-mins Q&A and discussion section. 每位主講人發言15分鐘之後進行30分鐘問答及討論環節。**
12:30 – 13:15 | Lunch break 午餐
Afternoon Session 下午研討會
13:30 – 14:45
Moderator 主持人: Professor Winnie Shum 岑慧枝教授
Keynote Speeches 主講人:
- Professor Jianxong Xu: Preliminary Investigation on the theory and practice of cellular nutrition and human health | 徐建雄教授: 細胞營養與人類健康理論與實踐初探
- Professor Changbin Chen: Nutritional Immunity and Infection | 陳昌斌教授 :營養免疫與感染
- Doctor Zhengchi Ma: Process Research of microbial engineering technology in the production development of cell nutrients | 微生物工程技術在細胞營養產品開發中的工藝研究
**15mins for each speech, followed by a 30-mins Q&A and discussion section. 每位主講人發言15分鐘之後進行30分鐘問答及討論環節。**
14:45 – 15:00 | Break | 小休
15:00 – 16:15
Applications of KB-120 Cell Nutrition in Biomedicine | KB-120細胞營養在生物醫學中的應用
Moderator 主持人: Professor Winnie Shum 岑慧枝教授
Keynote Speeches 主講人:
- Doctor Yan Li: Application of KB-120 probiotics in repairing sperm function damage in asthenospermia and Clinical trial report of KB-120 “Twin Treasure” probiotic nutrients for ovarian health | 李艷博士:KB-120″蝌健” 產品在弱少精症機能損傷修服中的應用及KB-120卵巢健康營養素”孿寶” 的臨床實驗報告
- Doctor Zhen Luo: KB-120 and Liver Health | 羅振博士 :KB-120與肝臟健康
**15mins for each speech, followed by a 30-mins Q&A and discussion section. 每位主講人發言15分鐘之後進行30分鐘問答及討論環節。**
16:15 – 17:15
What’s NEXT? Future R&D Prospect 未來研發展望
Co-Host 聯合主持人: Professor Jacky Ho and Doctor Kong Hon 何鍾建院長及江瀚博士
Keynote Speeches 主講人:
- CAS Academician Professor Yonglian Zhang 張永蓮院士
- Director of Centre of Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry of Catholic Unviersity of Portugal, (online), Professor Manuela Pintado 葡萄牙天主教大學及生物技術與精細化學中心主任Manuela Pintado (線上參與)
**Open to the public for discussion 開放公眾進行討論環節**