The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) held the opening ceremony of the “USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health” and “The First Cellular Health Research Symposium” on the 17th April, 2024. The event was divided in two parts. The first part included the opening ceremony, appointment ceremony, and a presentation of the first collaborative research and development results of the USJ-Kong Hon Academy. The second part featured talks from several acclaimed scientists, researchers, and two prominent academics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who shared their insights into the science and technology of nutrition and biomedicine, and introduced how the KB-120 cellular nutrition research and development can be applied to biomedicine.
The opening ceremony of USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health took place at 10 a.m. in the Auditório Centenário de Fátima at USJ Ilha Verde Campus. Invited honourable guests include Mr. Li Yongxian, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education and Youth Work, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Sar; Mr. Teng Sio Hong, Representative of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Acting Director of Education and Youth Development Bureau; Mr. Si Ka Lon, Ms. Wong Kit Cheng and Ms. Lo Choi In, Members of Legislative Council; Mr Chan Meng Kam, Member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and Chancellor and Council Chairman of City University of Macau; Mr. Cheong Chok Man, Director of Direcção dos Serviços de Estudo de Políticas e Desenvolvimento Regional; Mr. Che Weng Keong, President of Administrative Committee of Science and Technology Development Fund; Mr. Lei Sai Ian, Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau; Dr. Kuok Cheong U, Deputy Director of Health Bureau, and Director of the Conde S. Januário Hospital; Mr. Wong, Head of the Grants and Co-operation Department; Mr. Chan Chou Weng, Acting Head of Technology Department of Economic and Technological Development Bureau; Dr. Chio Weng, Deputy Head of the Community Health Care Department of the Centro Hospitalar Conde de São Januário; Bishop of Macao Stephen Lee Bun-sang, Chancellor of USJ; Rev’d Prof. Stephen Morgan, Rector of USJ; Dr. Hon Kong, Founder of Kong-Hon Biomedical Technology Development Group Company Limited, and members of local associations and businesses.
In his welcoming remarks, the Bishop of Macau and Chancellor of USJ Stephen Lee Bun-Sang, expressed that the establishment of the USJ-Kong Hon Academy was a forward-looking platform designated to bridge renowned academic institutions in the Greater Bay Area and in Mainland China with international research organisations. He emphasised that the Academy aimed to promote innovative development in industry-academia-research integration in the field of cellular health and disease prevention in Macao. Quoting Pope Francis, the Bishop stated, “Scientific knowledge is a powerful tool for better understanding human health, but it is also a means to cure suffering people.” He further highlighted the importance of building a society that serves humanity, ensuring that everyone can feel loved and respected for the value of life. The Bishop emphasised that the establishment of the Academy was driven by these principles, with the aim of developing more effective healthcare and wellness maintenance methods through research into lifestyle and disease prevention.
During the event, Rev’d Prof Stephen Morgan, Rector of USJ, presented the letters of appointment, and Dr. Li Yan, Project Co-Initiator of KB-120 technology research, introduced the first collaborative research and development achievement of the Academy. Dr. Li emphasised that the USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health, through its commitment to university-industry collaboration, has successfully established an international academic cooperation platform and an industrial cooperation platform in the field of cellular health. These platforms operate based on the principles of openness, innovation, and cooperation.
In his congratulatory speech, Mr. Teng Sio Hong, Representative of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, and Acting Director of Education and Youth Development Bureau, emphasised the Macao government’s active promotion of scientific research, innovation, and industry-academia collaboration in the field of traditional Chinese medicine within local higher education institutions. He further highlighted the government’s efforts to deepen connections with enterprises and launch collaborative projects in areas such as innovative drugs, classical prescriptions, excellent varieties, and rapid testing, all aimed at supporting the development of the health industry. Mr. Teng expressed his hope that the establishment of the USJ Kong-Hon Academy would strengthen research capabilities and foster technological innovation.
Additionally, Prof. Isabel Gil, the Rector of Catholic University of Portugal and President of the International Federation of Catholic Universities, also delivered a congratulatory speech acknowledging Macao as a place for cultural integration and a bridge between academia and the business world. She eagerly anticipated the future development of the USJ Kong-Hon Academy and how researchers would apply innovative ideas to their research and development endeavours.
The USJ Kong-Hon Academy is the result of the academic cooperation agreement signed between the University of Saint Joseph and Macau Kong-Hon Biomedical Technology Development Group Company Limited on 5th January this year. The agreement was signed in response to the “14th Five-Year Plan on the Nation’s Health” and the Macao SAR Government’s call for university-enterprise cooperation to promote health research and development. In the future, both parties will continue to focus on promoting the application of biotechnology and intelligent technology in the field of medicine and healthcare, so as to effectively meet society’s needs for the development of public health.
For more details about the event, please visit the official website of USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health at https://khacademy.usj.edu.mo/

[Group Photo]

[Welcome Speech by the Chancellor of USJ, the Bishop of Macao, Stephen Lee Bun-sang]

[Appointment ceremony by the Rector of USJ, Professor Stephen Morgan, to Co-Deans Doctor Jacky Ho and Doctor Kong Hon ]

[The First Collaborative Research Results by USJ and Kong Hon Biomedicine by Dr. Li Yan, Project Co-Initiator of KB-120 technology research]

[Congratulatory Speech by the Rector of the Catholic University of Portugal, Professor Isabel Gil]

[Congratulatory Speech by the Representative of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Acting Director of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr. Teng Sio Hong]

[Unveiling Ceremony of USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health]